Video này thực hiện tại Wolin, Ba Lan bởi đạo diễn Dariusz Szermanowicz. Có thể thấy trong clip tái hiện những trận đánh của các binh đoàn Viking hùng mạnh một thời.
"Twilight Of The Thunder God" sau khi phát hành chính thức đã được nhiều ý kiến đánh giá khen ngợi từ các tạp chí Metal danh tiếng (METAL HAMMER magazine, HEAVY Magazine, ROCK HARD Magazine – 3 tạp chí của Đức, KERRANG! magazine – tạp chí của Anh)
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Có thể xem 1 số nhận xét đánh giá của các tạp chí bên dưới:
"With TWILIGHT OF THE THUNDER GOD Amon Amarth even raise the bar noone
else is able to reach anyway. Tight, to the point – and 44 minutes
later the battle is won – that..s what you are wishing for from a
perfect Death Metal record made in Sweden!"
METAL HAMMER magazine Germany / 7 out of 7 points / album of the month!
"’Twilight Of The Thunder God’ leaves the competitors behind! A must-have album!"
HEAVY Magazine Germany / 11 out of 12 points / album of the month!
"The Death Metal album of the year? Quite possible!"
LEGACY Magazine Germany / 14 out of 15 points / album of the month!
ROCK HARD Magazine Germany album of the month!
"Viking Metallers take no prisoners on colossal seventh album!"
KERRANG! magazine England / 4 out of 5 K..s / album of the week!
"The most diverse Amon Amarth album to date! Simply perfect!"
EMP Magazine Germany
"I didn’t expect that the level of this album will be indeed so powerful as the hammer of Thor!"
HARD ROCKER Magazine Poland / 10 out of 10 points / album of the month!
ROCK HARD Italy / 9 out of 10 points / album of the month!
"The songwriting on this album is so complete in a beautiful way!"
SLAM Magazine Austria / 9 out of 10 points
Swedish death metal Vikings are back with their most various album to
date! A new masterpiece full of heavy – but still agressive and catchy
– riffs, mixed with some very cool surprises, that will surely leave
their fans speechless."ROCK HARD France / 8,5 out of 10 points / album of the month!
"Amon Amarth keeps excelling thanks to the perfect balance of strenghts…
Twilight of the Thunder God Amon Amarth records a true metal viking
album with a power and a personality unique. A record that matches what
the combo has done best until now!" METALLIAN magazine France
usual mix of mythology, a thundering sound, a singer who sounds like
he’s planning to slaughter the whole World and a high percentage of
Viking and beer ensures another success" MINDVIEW magazine Belgium / 6
out of 7 points