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Am I your salvation? Am I/ your life?
I don’t have the answers, but I/ know what was right
Just give your hands to me, and fly through this mess
I miss you, I miss you, You hear me? I’m alone
Everything will be all right/ with me/ by your side
Am I your/ salvation?/ Am I/ your life?
Go with me/ to see/ the blue sky/ out there
Side by side/ we’ll go/ through the night
Could you please/ say to me/
Cuz I’m still ugly but I’ve got the right stuffs
I’m your/ salvation, I’m your/ savior
Have you in my arms, it’s all that I could take
But dreams still so far, what I could do?
I don’t have the/ answers, but I know/ what was right
Just give your hands to me, and fly/ through this mess
Am I your/ salvation? Am I/ your life?
Everything will be all right with me by your side
Am I your salvation? Am I/ your life?
I don’t have the answers, but I/ know what was right
Just give your hands to me, and fly through this mess
Have you in my arms, it’s all that I could take
But dreams still so far, what I could do?
I don’t have the answers, but I know what was right
Just give your hands to me, and fly through this mess